Source code for ensembl_rest.core.baseclient


This file is part of pyEnsembl.
    Copyright (C) 2018, Andrés García

    Any questions, comments or issues can be addressed to


from .restclient import RESTClient, HTTPError
import pprint

class BaseEnsemblRESTClient:
    """Base client for an Ensembl REST API."""
    def __init__(self, base_url=None):
        if base_url is None:
            base_url = self.base_url
        self.rest_client = RESTClient(base_url)
    # ----
    def make_request(self, resource, *args, params=None, headers=None, **kwargs):
        "Follow the route mapping the arguments to the correct place."
        # Assemble the request
        request_type, route_template = resource.split(' ')
        route = self._map_arguments(route_template, *args, **kwargs)
        endpoint = self.rest_client.route(*route)
        # Perform the request
        while True:
                return, params, headers=headers)

            # Handle rate limit
            except HTTPError as e:
                    if e.response.status_code == 429:
                        # Maximum requests rate exceded
                        # Need to wait
                        response = e.response
                        wait_time = float(response.headers["Retry-After"])
                        sys.stderr.write('Maximum requests limit reached, waiting for ' 
                                         + str(wait_time)
                                         + 'secs')
    # ---        
    def _map_arguments(self, route, *args, **kwargs):
        """Map the arguments to the template.
        The template is a string of the form:
        First maps the **kwargs, then maps the *args in order.
        If this fails throw an exception.
        # First split into arguments: 
        # "some/:string/with/:semicolons" -> ['some', ':string', 'with', ':semicolons'] 
        parts = route.split('/')
        # Then replace the semicolons with format strings
        parts = ['{' + s[1:] + '}' if s.startswith(':') else s for s in parts]
        # Then map the keyword arguments
        parts = [self._format_if_possible(s, **kwargs) for s in parts]
        # Finally, map the positional arguments
        args_iter = iter(args)
        mapped_parts = []
        for s in parts:
            if s.startswith('{'):
                except StopIteration:
                    # Parameter not provided, skip in case it is optional
        return mapped_parts
    # ---
    def _format_if_possible(self, format_string, **kwargs):
        """Try to apply the arguments to the format string.
        If not possible, return the string unchanged.
            return format_string.format(**kwargs)
        except KeyError:
            return format_string
    # ---
# --- BaseClient

## Now are the factories for the automated creation of the classes
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def _format_parameters_docstring(parameters):
    fields = 'Type,Description,Default,Example Values'.split(',')

    parameters_str = ''
    for parameter in parameters:
        parameters_str += f'  + *Name*: {parameter["Name"]}\n\n'
        for field in fields:
            parameters_str += f'    * *{field}*: {parameter[field]}\n'

        parameters_str += '\n\n'

    return parameters_str
# ---

def _endpoint_docstring(endpoint):
    resource_info = '\n'.join(f'- **{name}**:\t{values}' for name, values in endpoint['resource_info'].items())
    return (
        f"{endpoint['category']} ``{endpoint['resource_string']}``\n\n"
        f"- Required:\n\n{_format_parameters_docstring(endpoint['parameters']['required'])}"
        f"- Optional:\n\n{_format_parameters_docstring(endpoint['parameters']['optional'])}"
        f"**Resource info**\n\n"
        f"**More info**\n\n"
# ---

def _create_method(method_name, endpoint):
    """Create a class method"""
    def method(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.make_request(endpoint['resource_string'], *args, **kwargs)
    # ---
    method.__doc__ = _endpoint_docstring(endpoint)
    method.__name__ = method_name
    return method
# ---

def build_client_class(name, api_table, base_url, doc=''):
    """Create a new class that implements the methods of the API."""
    # Create the class dictionary
    class_dict = {'__doc__': doc,
                  'base_url': base_url}
    # Create the class methods
    methods = {endpoint['name'] : _create_method(endpoint['name'], endpoint) 
               for endpoint in api_table}
    # Create the class (a subclass of the BaseEnsemblRESTClient)
    return type(name, (BaseEnsemblRESTClient,), class_dict)
# ---